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O2: Educational ToolBox Development (ETOD)

Bio-composting and Vermicomposting Classroom - Manual & Guidelines are produced for students and VET school educators based on the Educational Requirements Analysis and Specifications input. The output consists of a course catalogue and handbook for trainers and trainees), educational materials, video lessons, learning activities and a virtual library, and assessment exams and certificates in English and all partner languages.

The Power WORMS Application is a practical, freeware, intelligent, innovative software for the organisation and control of bioclimatic operations developed on the Android environment for maximum dissemination. Operational parameters of the software are the type of active worm population and the geographical location of the facility so that there is a connection with the forecast of bioclimatic conditions (humidity temperature) of the user area. The intelligent algorithm of the program schedules the maintenance work needed for the optimum bio-composting ecosystem control based on the user input. It gives practical advice according to each case.

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